Jupyter Notebooks
King’s College London has developed complete stories around Jupyter Notebooks that form easy recipes for reproducible methods in social data science. Jupyter...-
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Online Learning of Order Flow and Market Impact (OLOFMI)
This library performs regime detection in the aggregated order flow time-series and market impact analysis. The required input file is in the format of the message file of the... -
Score-Driven Bayesian Online Change Point Detection (SD-BOCPD)
This code deals with Bayesian online detection in univariate time-series of changepoints, i.e. abrupt variations in the generative parameters of a data, and regimes, i.e.... -
Private Simulated limit order book dynamics
The dataset contains detailed simulations of the limit order book dynamics of financial assets. The data are calibrated on stocks of Nasdaq and contains all the events... -
Frank Experiments
Dataset with experimental results for the "Frank" hybrid decision-making system, with simulated users. Features: - CA. Co-evolutionary Accuracy. Accuracy reached by the user...-
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Private Epidemics Simulation Recovery
The computation of Graph Epidemics Simulation Recovery performs a simulation of SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Recovered) dynamics on a graph using the shortest path... -
Workshopping on social big data and adversarial publics
This report is based on an empirical case study on content moderation, whose objective is to interrogate whether content moderation can be reclaimed by users as a practice...-
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The recent years have witnessed the rise of accurate but obscure decision systems which hide the logic of their internal decision processes to the users. The lack of...-
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MARLENA is novel technique able to explain the reasons behind any black-box multi-label classifier decision. It will generate an explanation in the form of a decision rule....-
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Private TraffiCO2: a simulative framework to assess navigation systems' impact on CO2...
TraffiCO2 is a simulation framework to assess the impact of GPS navigation apps on urban well-being in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. TraffiCO2 uses GPS data to... -
Private Mobility Constrained Segregation Models
Since the development of the original Schelling model of urban segregation, several enhancements have been proposed, but none have considered the impact of mobility constraints... -
Validation for MoGAN
We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets of bike and taxi rides to show that MoGAN outperforms the classical Gravity and Radiation models regarding the realism of... -
Estimation of emissions from vehicles' GPS trajectories
We used the mobility-emission methods (https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/ResourceCatalogue/mobility-emissions) to perform experiments on real GPS trajectories describing 433,272... -
Simulation of individual mobility using STS-EPR
In this experiment we simulate the mobility of individuals in New York City, London, and Tokyo, using STS-EPR. For each city, we compare the synthetic trajectories generated...-
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Experiment for Mobility Constrained Segregation Models
We propose a segregation model incorporating mobility constraints to make agents select their location based on distance and location relevance. This study fills this gap by... -
Scikit-mobility is a library for human mobility analysis in Python. The library allows to: represent trajectories and mobility flows with proper data structures, TrajDataFrame...-
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Cherenkov Telescope Data for Ordinal Quantification
This labeled data set is targeted at ordinal quantification. It appears in our research paper "Ordinal Quantification Through Regularization", which we have published at... -
Social Network Analysis with Python
This set of tutorials provides an introduction to Social Network Analysis in Python with networkx. Topics covered: Introduction to NetworkX NDlib: Network Diffusion library...-
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The resource: 'NDlib-REST tutorial' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Community Discovery' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!