A Public Dataset of 24-h Multi-Levels Psycho-Physiological Responses in Young Healthy Adults

Wearable devices now make it possible to record large quantities of physiological data, which can be used to obtain a clearer view of a person’s health status and behavior. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no open datasets in the literature that provide psycho-physiological data. The Multilevel Monitoring of Activity and Sleep in Healthy people (MMASH) dataset presented in this paper provides 24 h of continuous psycho-physiological data, that is, inter-beat intervals data, heart rate data, wrist accelerometry data, sleep quality index, physical activity (i.e., number of steps per second), psychological characteristics (e.g., anxiety status, stressful events, and emotion declaration), and sleep hormone levels for 22 participants. The MMASH dataset will enable the investigation of possible relationships between the physical and psychological characteristics of people in daily life. Data were validated through different analyses that showed their compatibility with the literature.

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Additional Info
Field Value
Creator Rossi, Alessio,
Creator Da Pozzo, Eleonora
Creator Menicagli, Dario
Creator Tremolanti, Chiara
Creator Priami, Corrado
Creator Sîrbu, Alina,
Creator Clifton, David A
Creator Martini, Claudia
Creator Morelli, Davide
Group Health Studies
Group Demography, Economy and Finance 2.0
Publisher Data - MDPI
Source Data 2020, 5(4), 91
Thematic Cluster Human Mobility Analytics [HMA]
system:type JournalArticle
Management Info
Field Value
Author Wright Joanna
Maintainer Rossi Alessio
Version 1
Last Updated 11 September 2023, 19:51 (CEST)
Created 10 February 2021, 14:48 (CET)