11 items found

Organisations: Territori Aperti

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  • TerritoriAperti: Method


    An ontology to represent post-disaster regulation Please cite the following paper if you use the ontology: Caroccia, F., D’Agostino, D., d’Aloisio, G., Di Marco, A., Stilo, G.,...
    • OWL
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    COVID Dataset

    A collection of COVID-related datasets useful for drug-repurposing tasks. See the Glossary section for an explanation of the terms used. For a comprehensive overview of the...
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Effective Response to Natural Disasters

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  • TerritoriAperti: Method

    Debiaser for Multiple Variables

    Debiaser for Multiple Variables This repository contains the implementation of DEMV algorithm described in the paper: Enhancing Fairness in Classification Tasks with Multiple...
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    GIS Data

    GIS Data are data from L'Aquila and Sulmona that was used for different use in GIS, expecially for evacuation plan and similar.
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    • The resource: 'Sulmona data' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • TerritoriAperti: Experiment

    Sars_Cov2 in aree fragili

    Caso studio dei crateri dei sismi 2009 - 2016/17
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Territorial Economic Accounts

    This is part of an initial set of datasets that can be downloaded and analyzed from TA-Analytics. More accurate description of dataset in resources
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    • DOCX
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Demographic Indicators

    This is part of an initial set of datasets that can be downloaded and analyzed from TA-Analytics. More accurate description of dataset in resources
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Dataset Andamento delle economie colpite da calamita naturali

    Le Informazioni sui dataset sono disponibili ai seguenti link: Popolazione residente http://siqual.istat.it/SIQual/visualizza.do?id=0019900 Popolazione straniera...
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      The resource: 'Quadro demografico ed ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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  • TerritoriAperti: Application

    Sistema di monitoraggio a distanza delle persone in quarantena

    Le persone sottoposte a test COVID-19 risultate positive al tampone e quelle entrate in contatto con esse sono messe in quarantena e sottoposte a monitoraggio a distanza da...
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Business enterprise dataset

    This is part of an initial set of datasets that can be downloaded and analyzed from TA-Analytics. More accurate description of dataset in resources
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    • ZIP
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